Wildlife & Climate Change

Webinar: Role of rewilding animals to help mitigate the climate crisis

YFA founder, Nikita Dhawan, is also a Youth Ambassador for EARTHDAY.org, the organization behind the “Earth Day on March 22.” As part of her role,  she organised a webinar on Monday, April 25th  titled: The role of rewilding animals to help mitigate the climate crisis. LINK TO THE RECORDING


The discussions provided a new vision based on latest research, that highlights the vital role wild animals play in the carbon exchange cycles. It also brought to the fore, ways wildlife can help accelerate solutions to the imminent climate crisis. This new knowledge points at the importance of not only preserving our current wild animal population but also looking at ‘rewilding’ as a very effective way to mitigate climate change.

The hour-long webinar had Indian television journalist and environmental editor and columnist Ms. Bahar Dutt converse with Mr. Vance Martin (President, WILD Foundation and Wilderness Foundation Global), Prof. Oswald Schmitz (Ecology professor, Yale School of the Environment) and Mr. Bittu Sahgal (Founder, Sanctuary Nature Foundation & Editor, Sanctuary Asia). All three gentlemen are also with the global think tank Global Rewilding Alliance – GRA which actively works on ‘Animating the Carbon Cycle.’

They were joined by EARHDAY.ORG’s My Future My Voice Youth Ambassador Nikita Dhawan (Founder Youth for Animals and Youth ambassador, Born Free Foundation). Ms. Karuna Singh, Regional Director Asia and Africa, EARTHDAY.ORG and Ms. Nishu Kaul, Director, Earth Day programs in South and South-East Asia will also be part of the webinar.